sick cat

My female cat had a litter of kittens last year, with no problems. Now she is in heat and went outside last night for the first time in a year. While she was out she was with a tomcat. Now today she started urinating on the floor, she has never had a problem like this before.....Is she sick or is this normal behavior after being with a tomcat?????

my cat is too young to die

my cat is 9 yrs old.. he hasnt eaten since saturday and he only drinks water now and then .. we dont have enough $ to send him to a vet...please help if u know what could be wrong with him..

my cat

my cats misty and princess liverd with each oter ever since they were 8 weeks old!But they used to clean each other all the the are both 2 years old now they fight and get mad when someone holds the other.are they territoril now?

charlie won't use the litter box

My ragdoll cat(charlie) will only use the litter box on the first day that I clean it and then will go on the floor most of the time.I have two litter boxes and am thinking that I should buy one more so each of my cats have there own. will this help? Will it help if I get him fixed?

flee bitten cat

My cat startted having a very bad flee problem, and I fear it is getting worser and yet I dont know what to do. My parents already gave her a bath, but that did not help her. just today I found wound on her, I can't tell if it's from the flees, or her scrating so hard. can anyone give any sugestions?

What Breed

Can anyone tell me what the breed name is of a cat that has hair only, not fur?

My cat is peeing on our bed

My cat has been peeing on our bed every so often for the last 2 weeks. Not all the time. Every couple of days. He seems otherwise healthy - running around, purring, and still using the litterbox. He just pees on our bed every so often. We strongly suspect an emotional problem. My cat hasn't been too thrilled since we had our baby, but our child is now 17 months old and this is the first time he's done this. I need a fast solution to this. I am a stay at home mom with a toddler and I haven't the time to try some of the elaborate suggestions I've seen on the internet. The only thing I can think to do is lock him in the bathroom. I've tried rubbing his nose in it (just tonight read that wasn't a good idea but that's what everyone else has told me to do). I've also tried using a spray bottle on him. Any help would be appreciated.

Sick cat

I have a cat who is approx a year old, she is usually a very active cat, but in these past few days she has totally changed, she is very inactive, doesnt go outside, doesnt eat much and spends most of her time lying in dark places indoor. I have also noticed that she has a very strange thing on her right eye, it looks like a 2nd eyelid, im not too sure what all this means/is... any ideas?? thansk

unknown illness

Hello..i have a 7 yr old male tabby,he is a indoor cat and has been all of his life. He has always been healthy, good appetite..over the past month, we have noticed his coat was looking raggedy,he was loosing weight, and wasn't drinking much water.Now, over the past few days, he eats or drinks nothing,hides and never comes out,and walks with the hind legs wobbly. When he is picked up, he meows like he is in pain, like the hip is bothering him. He is very weak now, takes a few steps, wobbles, then lays down. He has been tested for Feline leukemia and tested negative. I have taken him to two vets over the past 4 days, they gave him a IV because he was severly dehydrated, and antibiotic ( for what I don't know) and we were sent home. I don't know what to do, I hate to see my cat, who is my best little friend, suffer. Any help would be appreciated.
