my cat seems to be sick

About a day or two ago my male cat seemed to start to act a bit strange, he drowls out the left side of his mouth and lays weakly almost all day long. He also seems to be very un-interested in almost everything. He goes over to the food and water bowl and smells it but doesn't seem to eat or drink any. Any suggestions to what he might have would be great or what I might be able to do for him. Thanks for the help- JIll

Re: my sick lion

please - imnot used to using chatrooms that much - but i have a sick cat who needs help - can anyone help me?? the cat is always ill - and sicks up his food every othere day- and now he is completely covered in scabs and is constantly scratching and making himself bleed. He is very destressed.He doesn't go outside - so i doubt its flees??what could it be?? I also have to other cats and they are absolutly fine??any ideas??


my cat stays indoors and does not hunt outside but instead of bringing us mice and stuff she brings us socks and things. Is this normal because she does not go outside?

is stray cat sick

I just moved in to a new place a month ago and this stray cat just kept coming around. It's the smallest of the 4 strays in the neighborhood as well as the most scrawniest. I've been feeding it some cat food from the store and it looks better than it did before. But when it meows, it sounds like he has phlegm in his throat. He doesn't even jump like a normal healthy cat. Should I just take him to the pound? I don't have money for the vet. What could be his (or her) problem?

what is wrong with my cat

my cat is 6 1/2 years old and now is an inside cat, she has had numerous litter and i don't want her to have anymore but haven't got her fixed for fear she won't make it through surgery. 3 months ago i got another cat who now is 3 months old (female) and for the last 2 months my older cat has been in heat meowing all night and day driving me crazy. My question is why is she not coming out of her heats and what can i do to stop this so i can get a good night sleep from the up all night meowing

Help! My cat is scared of everything

I got a cat last year when he was 6weeks old.He was born inside and had never been outside. He is so scared of everything, all he does is hide! He has very pale blue eyes, and is a short-haired solid white cat. His eyes are very sensitive, and they bug him a lot... He is always under the bed, in a room that is never used. Does he hide because light hurts his eyes?? .. But.. I've tried shutting the doors to the rooms he hides in, and he lays in the floor, but when someone moves or gets up it scares him to death and he runs under the couch, why is he so scared, and how can I help him?!?! The only time he comes to me is at night, and he wants to be right on top of me, ALL NIGHT! .. I just don't understand him Please someone help!

Kitten only eats when we watch her

We recently got a kitten from a shelter and she seems very happy and expects lots of love. No problem there. But she seems to only eat when either my fiance or myself watch her. She will meow constantly and not stop until we walk her over to her bowl. She usually beats us there, so she knows where and what it is. She will eat for a while and then come and find us again. When I walk over there again, she keeps eating. What are our options? We can't watch her eat forever. Although it does work out well when we are eating dinner in the kitchen. Any suggestions? Thank you. cat335: Kitten only eats when we watch her

my baby

my cat is a really baby. he wants to sleep with me, sit on my lap, so I get alot of attention from him. I am thinking of getting another kitten so that he can play with him/her when I am at work. Is that a good idea?

Possible offspring

my cat Buddy was spotted 1/2 a mile away less than a year ago. He was brought back safe and sound. we moved to a block away from where he was found and today we spotted a cat that looks like his brother who ran away. the cat was a female and looked kind of young. Buddy is the exact opposite coloring but his mom and his brother were pretty close colorwise. Is it possible that Buddy's offspring could look exactly like his brother??

help my cats are smelling up my house

someone please help, i have two cats one i've had for 7 years and one i've had for a year. i got both when they were kittens and there is no relation between the two but my older cat takes care of the younger one as if she is it's mommy. the problem is my younger cat just got her first heat (both cats are females), and now she is starting to poop throughout my house, mainly on my kids bed and on my couch.I clean the mess up and wash everything but she still poops in the same area as before mostly when no one is home or everyone is asleep. she is an indoor cat and she still uses the litter box at times to poop in but this is getting bad and very upseting to me. my other cat now pees everywhere. I disipline them but they still do it. what can I do to stop this and is there something I can buy to spray in those area to keep them from doing it anywhere else. i do keep a very clean house so i know it can't be that.
