

Do we pet our cats wrong?

Every cat I've ever had the privilege of living with has had his or her own way of being pet that they preferred. Some like belly rubs; most have not. Some love face or head scratches while others like their backs pet. I've found that trial and error is the best way to find this information, although some cats will lead you where they want to be pet!

Pallas's Cat

Lately I'm seeing the Pallas's cat everywhere and I sure wish I could have one of these floofy little beasties! They are enormous, furry and SO cute. I've never met one in person, though, so who knows? Their temperament may not work in my home, and I already have three cats as it is, but I know my next cat can't be short-haired, as I'm constantly vacuuming all the places my girls sit!  


The Yule Cat

Have you ever heard of the Yule Cat, Jólakötturinn? It eats people who didn't get new clothes to wear for the winter! It's an Icelandic myth that of course supports the local commerce and encourages people to support the wool industry, but it's also fascinating and fun to study. 

Cats Who Leave Gifts

Yesterday I read a story about a cat who leaves her owner little treats in her purse. Every day she cleans out this little purse pocket and every day her feline friend deposits a few pieces of her own cat kibble to share. It was the most adorable thing I've read this week!


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